Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ecumenists Worry about Vatican and Traditionalist Anglicans

There is some concern among ecumenists that Pope Benedict XVI will announce a new structure for the Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC) to come into communion with Rome next year.

They fear the Church is poaching Anglicans at a time when they are suffering from deep divisions and possible schism.

And speaking with one prominent Anglican in Rome yesterday, there is also the fear that announcing the move will take place close to, or even at the same time, as the Pope comes to Britain. It'll be a case of another Vatican PR blunder, they say, and must be avoided.

Benedict XVI is known to be fully supportive of the new structure, which will bring 400,000 TAC members into communion with Rome in one fell swoop. Talks have also been progressing well in recent months, according to sources.

But it seems odd there should be any concern when 1) the TAC is a breakaway group no longer part of the Anglican Communion (despite their name) and 2) the Vatican is not poaching TAC members but carefully and as sensitively as possible responding to their desire for full communion. Their desire for communion also is said to have the blessing of Archbishop Rowan Williams.

Still, seeing that these concerns exist, it would be wise for the CDF - the dicastery in talks with the TAC - to consult Cardinal Kasper at the council for Christian unity. Perhaps then any unnecessary damage to relations, not to mention unwanted bad press, can be mitigated.

Photo: Archbishop John Hepworth, Primate of the Traditional Anglican Communion.

1 comment:

  1. The T.A.C. is not a classic traditional Anglican Body following the teachings of the Ancient Church, Revelation, Scripture and Tradition,[7 Ecumenical Councils.} The T.A.C., is, with all due respect, a Neo Anglican Body,that follows Vatican 11, more than the Anglican Faith. They are no more than Anglo-papalists and suffer from the usual weakness of people or organisations with split loyalties, i.e. irresolution, lack of basic loyalties. I for one have no objections to their moving to Rome, it is a result of the lack of decent instruction in the faith, not their fault, but the fault of the Anglican Communion Bishops and Clergy for poor teaching.By the way, I shall be interested in where these 400,000 Anglicans will be coming from?
