Thursday, April 22, 2010

Beware the LibDems

Bishop Malcolm McMahon of Nottingham is warning that a victory by the Liberal Democrats in the May 6 general election could threaten the existence of Catholic schools. The party has pledged to make it illegal for religious schools to select students on the basis of their faith.

“Catholics should give it very serious consideration before they vote Liberal Democrat,” said Bishop McMahon. “Our position is that every person should have the right to bring up their children according to their consciences.”

That's not all. A LibDem win would threaten religious freedom and the right to life in general. The most militant secularists in the last parliament weren't Labour MPs but LibDem ones.

Yet Britain has, until recently, historically been an example to the world when it comes to religious freedom. Having just got back from Malta, I was interested to learn that in contrast to their other rulers, the British not only allowed Catholicism to continue but actually helped it prosper. The same approach to religion could be seen in just about every other colony.

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