Friday, April 16, 2010

Hitchens and the Pope

I've written a short expose of Christopher Hitchens, along with an analysis of the strange plan he and Richard Dawkins have cooked up to arrest the Pope when he comes to Britain.

Hitchens's past cannot but have an effect on how he sees religion. Someone said Thomas Merton also had a past, as of course did many great saints. Yes, but the difference is that they eventually turned to Christ and then walked in the light.

On the Pope's visit, I agree with this assessment of Father Z, that my fellow Brits will be pleasantly surprised when he sets foot in the country:

* He is not going to fit the image promoted by the MSM (mass media) and their twisted expectations.
* They will see a man who is joyful and serene.
* He will not be depressed or morose or crushed or over-burdened.
* He will not soften his message to the English people about the need for God in their lives.
* He will not dodge hard issues, such as the clerical abuse controversy, but will confront them head on.
* People will flock to see him and listen to what he has to say and his message will make more sense than what they get from the MSM.
* Vocations to the priesthood and religious will rise after his visit.

As with everywhere he visits, he has a great tendency to disarm his critics by his meek, humble and completely unimposing personality.

It's also his 83rd birthday today - Happy Birthday Holy Father!

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